Six months to a year ago, very few people even knew what Zoom was. Fast forward to this spring and summer, mix in a once in a lifetime global pandemic replete with a stay at home and shelter in place orders, and all of a sudden we have all been baptized in the ways of Zoom. At first, it may have seemed as though Zoom was a temporary fix, but as time has marched on it seems readily apparent that Zoom and Zoom meetings aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. 

But not all Zoom meetings are created equal. Sometimes they run smoothly and work gets done just as quickly as if the meeting were face to face, while at other times a Zoom meeting can be a disaster and run off the rails faster than you can say coronavirus.

To make sure your Zoom meetings are the very definition of efficiency and productivity here are three keys to a successful Zoom meeting.

1. Don’t Multitask

It can be tempting to turn off your audio and video, grab your phone or pen and paper and doodle or Instagram your way through your Zoom meetings. Don’t do it. Multitasking doesn’t work and it slows your Zoom meetings way down. When you’re on Zoom, be fully present, put all distractions away, and let’s face it, get the meeting over with. 

Plus, not paying attention during your Zoom meetings is just plain rude.

2. Create a Zoom Space in Your Home

If like many professionals, you are still working from home and still conducting your fair share of Zoom meetings, it might be a good idea to set up your very own Zoom space in your home. A dedicated Zoom space where there will be fewer distractions and noise will help you focus. It will also give your roommates, children, or spouse the freedom to go about their normal lives without the fear of interrupting your important meetings. 

And your Zoom colleagues will be glad if they don’t have to hear the soundtrack of your family in the background of your meetings.

3. Set an End Time

If you are running the meeting, it will help not only you but your employees as well, if there is a clearly defined end time to the meeting. There is nothing worse than an awkward ending to a Zoom meeting where no one knows if they should keep going or stop.

Even if you haven’t finished everything you need to, you can still stop the meeting, regroup for an hour or two and come back much stronger than before. Endless Zoom meetings with no end in sight can be a black hole that sucks precious hours out of the workday. When it comes to Zoom, get in, get out, and get on with your day.


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